Snohomish County Pioneer John P. Anderson
made the perilous trek to the Klondike during the gold rush of 1897-1898 in the Yukon. He made claim 42 on Bonanza creek home over that small stretch of years and would continue to visit and work the claim well into the early 20th century.
In 1912, J.P. returned home to Washington and settled on 210 acres two miles south of the town of Stanwood in the tiny town of Florence on Florence Island in the Stillaguamish River Valley and built what we now call The Lady Florence.
The J.P. Anderson family farmed the ground and resided in the home until the 1950’s when the property was placed in trust of the local lawyer and consequently rented out to many different people during the 60’s, 70;s and 80’s.
In 1990 local longtime seed farmer Mark Christianson and his wife Elizabeth purchased the property from the original Anderson family and completely refurbished the home inside and out.
The roof was leaking from the 3rd floor to the first floor, all the plaster was removed and all systems of power, heat, security, insulation and drywall were replaced. Floors and woodwork were stripped,sanded and redone.
Wallpaper, carpets and furnishings were slowly accumulated while Mark and Betsy raised their family of 4 children in the home over the course of the last 25 years.
In 2011 Mark passed away and Betsy and her family lost their loving provider, father,leader, and rock. We miss him everyday but enjoy all the memories he made with us surrounding the home that “Mark” built, the home we now call The Lady Florence.
Since Marks passing we as a family have embarked on a new path of refurbishing once again. Betsy and her children, Amy, Audrey, Andrew and Grace have happily given the Lady Florence a facelift and now offer her and her gardens to the public to enjoy.